Beauty Preparations for Race Day

happy to runRunning can be a very competitive sport, but it goes beyond the race. The women who devote their life to marathons are physically fit and proud of what they have achieved. Therefore, it should not surprise anyone that they take pride in how they look when they cross that finish line. For this reason, some runners have decided that they will put a little effort into beauty preparations for race day.

Appearances Matter Some

Running is a hot, sweaty event. However, this does not mean that it isn’t important to maintain your image. Running outfits have become trendier, women are not afraid to show off their physically fit body. Wearing makeup to run, isn’t a great idea if you are tackling a run in the middle of summer or a 10k. This doesn’t mean that you can’t still look your best. There are a lot of things you can do to ensure that your natural beauty shines through just as brightly as your dedication to running.

Show Your Inner Beauty and Strength

running your hardestIt takes dedication to run a marathon. Simply running in one proves that you are a strong person. If it is a charity race, then you also prove that you have a good heart. You can further show off your style by choosing running shoes and compression socks that complement your running suit. Your hair should also be pulled back in either a simple ponytail or a messy bun so that you always look calm, cool, and collected while running. Since cameras are generally everywhere, you will want to take a little time to smile at the camera when you see it. Some runners, who want to look their very best, may also wear semi-permanent makeup when they run. More and more women use microblading technique to ensure that their face is truly photogenic even if they aren’t wearing makeup as they cross the finish line.  It is a very simple thing to have done, looks great, and will not wipe off when you use your sweating hard.

Are You Ready for the Next 10K?

trendy running apparelIt seems that there are always big marathons going on. Some of them are extremely popular events that people come from all over to attend or participate in. Will you be ready to ensure that you stand out in the crowd? Will you be the one leading the pack and setting a new type of trend that other women will want to follow? Your efforts to be physically ready are already apparent. Now, you simply need to focus on showing young girls that they can be beautiful, active runners. Who knows, you may become their inspiration simply by making it look so easy to have it all. Wouldn’t that be special and make your efforts even more worth it?

Family Friendly Activities to Stay Active While Not Running

moms with kids playingEven runners get tired of simply running. This is why most of them take time off from running and pursue other activities that are able to burn calories. They need to stay in shape, even when they skip out on running for a short time. A lot of women also choose to include their family when they are not running, since running is pretty much a solitary activity, especially with younger children who may not be able to run for 5 miles or more. Luckily, there are a lot of family friendly activities to stay active while not running.

Staying in Shape Matters

kayaking with kidsEveryone needs a break from their normal routines occasionally. Runners use specific muscles when they are running and sometimes it can help them to change it up if you want to stay in overall good shape. Therefore, choosing family activities that can workout other muscles is ideal. It allows you to change up your routine, spend time with those you love, and enjoy doing something as a family. It also encourages your kids to stay active, which will keep them healthier as well.

Fun Family Workouts

mom on trampolineBike rides are always a great choice for working out when you are not running. It is something that most kids enjoy doing and they will enjoy it more if you are riding along with them. You and your kids can also spend a little time dancing around the house. Hosting your own dance party allows everyone to get a cardio workout and have a few laughs while they are doing so. It is especially great for younger kids who are not afraid to be silly. Going for a hike through the woods can burn up some calories and allow you to explore the world with your kids. If you and the kids are already active, hula hooping, playing ball, and jump roping are all great choices and burn major calories. Swimming is a great option as well and if you do not want to get wet, water can still be fun. You can go kayaking in any nearby water source, whether it is a beach, lake, or river. If you choose kayaking, you can get a kayak for three to ensure that everyone can go in the same kayak. This too is ideal for families with smaller children who may not be balanced well enough to stay upright in a kayak alone or may not be able to paddle long distances.

Make It Count

Kids are only kids for a little while. You should spend all the time that you can with them while you are able to do so. It will ensure that you are a very close family that can have fun together, even during the years when they are grown. If you encourage them to be active children, they will be active adults who will perhaps run a marathon with you when they are big enough to keep up. You do not have to put a lot of effort into encouraging your kids to stay active and help you work out. Simply playing hide and seek with your kids or chasing them around the house can help you stay in shape. No matter what you choose, it will be worth it for everyone in your family.

Getting Back into The Routine After Pregnancy

working out with a newbornEvery new mom struggles to get back into their pre-baby routine. Being a parent is not an easy task. It may seem as though all you get to do is wake up, feed the baby, play with the baby, change the baby, and put the baby back to bed. It is a new routine that takes up most all of your day. It doesn’t change, no matter how much you want to shed the baby weight, and it may seem impossible for you to figure out how to schedule in the things you enjoyed before your bundle was born. Getting back into the routine after pregnancy is achievable, but you first have to get over the humps.

Finding Time for Everything

Mom workoutAlthough it will take time, there is a new routine waiting for you. You will discover it as you adjust to mommy-hood. At first, all moms struggle to balance baby with everyday errands. They require a lot of attention and it may seem as though your entire world is revolving around them. However, it will not take long, and you will soon be able to say that you have a new “normal” that works for you, your baby, and your partner. It takes time. It takes effort. You will soon be able to take care of your baby, do your shopping, fold clothes, sleep more than a couple hours, and even have the energy to start working on the baby-weight that prevents you from buttoning your jeans.

Take Baby with You

One of the best ways to get back into shape and enjoy the new routine is to take the baby with you. Most errands are made easy if you use an infant carrier that snuggles the baby close to your chest. You can also start to exercise with your little one within a few months of having them. You will know the time is right when they are able to have good control over their head. To go jogging, you should never use a carrier, but jogging strollers are perfect since they have the shocks and large wheels to make it easy on you and your little one both. A jogging stroller is most often something that is recommended for ages 6-months and up since babies can control their head by this time. As they continue to grow, you can do more with them, but it may also mean that you need to consider a bigger sized carrier for them. With this carrier, you may even be able to go to the gym and ride a stationary bike or join in a cardio class for moms. You just have to make sure that you do not end up bouncing the baby too much or put them in danger of getting hit.

Enjoy Every Moment

jogging with babyYour baby weight is something that you earned by becoming pregnant and bringing a new life into the world. Savor the moments that matter, and you will be able shed the pounds through working out eventually. The sooner you start the easier it will be to shed, but you do not have to stress over anything but learning how to take care of your tiny bundle. Weight loss comes to every new mom. It will come to you as well. Just be patient with yourself and remember; you can lose weight anytime, but the baby days will only last for a short time.

Women’s Spring Running Fashion

running gearWomen who run, pride themselves on looking great and knowing how to stay cool and comfortable while they are crossing the finish line. For this reason, there are a lot of women’s spring running fashion choices available to you this spring and even more creative ideas that women runners are using to express their own unique style.

Running Gear for Women

cool running gearIn the past, women would toss on virtually anything to go running. Most often, it was an outfit that was simply cool and comfortable. Perhaps a jog bra, tank top, and a pair of shorts. Now, things are changing. More women are taking up running and participating in long distance marathons. This means that women are also striving to bring their unique personality and style to the races. It has further lead to an explosion within the fashion community and how much running gear you can purchase that is designed to impress the women who are most interested in women’s fashion. These fashion items are comfortable, supportive, and designed to make a woman feel like she is a woman while running. As a bonus, it has also opened up the doorway to women taking a more creative approach to their style.

Creative Running Gear

bright running shoesWomen are now able to purchase brightly colored running shoes. These shoes are available in hot pink, neon yellow, bold orange, and more. To take it one step further, many women are also trying out brighter colors to wear as tops and bottoms while they go jogging or running. It is easy to find creative choices, but due to the fact that many women want to cut cost, they are designing their own unique gear. Unique, one of a kind creations that are a perfect match for them with as little cost as possible. For instance, they may follow directions to make a tshirt quilt for those chilly days when they are out running a marathon. Before the race, they can keep warm while snuggled up in tee-shirts that they may have won past marathon events while wearing. It is a great way to keep the memories close and ensures that they can still be worn rather than left in a closet with other memorabilia.

Budget Friendly, Fun to Wear

There is always something fun about wearing a clothing item that you created yourself. As a runner, the experience should be fun. By choosing budget friendly, fun to wear clothing that you create yourself, you are increasing the fun instantly. You can share tips and tricks for your creative ideas with friends that may be at the marathon with you and the compliments for you will receive for a memorabilia created quilt or jacket that you created will flow rapidly. It will make it so that whether you win the race or finish middle of the pack, the race will still be worth running because you will have had an amazingly great time doing the thing you love doing the most without breaking the bank to do it.